
KidsXpress is a registered charity and a leader in children’s mental health, offering trauma-focused Expressive Therapy (therapy which incorporates elements of artistic expression) and Education Services to children under the age of 12 and their caregivers. Established in 2005, KidsXpress was created to fill a critical gap in services for children affected by adversity—neglect, abuse, grief, and household dysfunction—who would otherwise face significant barriers to accessing mental health care.

From 2025, The Balnaves Foundation is supporting the KidsXpress School Partnership Program at Granville Public School in Western Sydney.

This project was selected as the recipient of The Balnaves Foundation Staff Grant, an initiative undertaken every few years, where the Foundation team participates in the grant-making.

There is a worsening mental health crisis in Australia that disproportionately affects young people, particularly those living in rural and regional areas or in lower socio-economic index communities. Additionally, CALD communities such as Western Sydney can be adversely affected by trauma, including young children, making an early intervention, whole-of-community approach to mental health vital to preventing negative long-term impact.

The KidsXpress School Partnership Program is a groundbreaking initiative that embeds two expressive therapists and one trauma-informed education consultant in a school over several years, offering holistic, on-site, full-day programs integrated into the regular school day. Additional support and development are provided throughout to teachers, staff, parents and caregivers, fostering a whole-of-school approach to mental health awareness and trauma-focused therapy.

The Balnaves Foundation’s grant will support KidsXpress’ partnership with Granville Public School for three years.