The Granville School Partnership Program (SPP) with KidsXpress has been selected as the recipient of the Balnaves Foundation Staff Grant. This is an initiative undertaken every few years by the Foundation, where the Foundation team participates actively in the granting process.
Established in 2005, KidsXpress offers trauma-focused expressive therapy (therapy which uses creative activities as an outlet for expression) and education services. By working with both children from lower socio-economic backgrounds and their caregiving networks, KidsXpress intervenes early to mitigate the long-term effects of trauma.
The KidsXpress School Partnership Program is a groundbreaking initiative that embeds two expressive therapists and one trauma-informed education consultant in a school over several years, offering holistic, on-site, full-day programs integrated into the regular school day. The Balnaves Foundation is supporting this program at Granville East Public School in Western Sydney for three years, commencing Term 1 2025. This is also the second grant under The Balnaves Foundation’s medical strategy which was launched in 2023, delivering significantly improved health outcomes for young Australians through the prevention and early intervention of chronic health conditions.